Vision Series: By Pastor Nathaniel Bassey

Sermon given by my Pastor on the 15th of May, 2016. He preached about passion, I felt like crying after the service. God has placed so much in my heart, but it seems my zeal (passion) to pursue is zero. I think every young person need this message to propel you into action. God bless you and bless you and bless you as you read.

From hereon, its my Pastor.

Another word for passion is zeal. It is a strong feeling of enthusiasm, excitement for doing something. God is a God of zeal and passion. Isaiah 9:7 “……………..the passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!”

Passion is a natural consequence of vision. People of vision are inevitably people of passion. Vision is a spiritual and mental picture of your future. You can see with your spirit, you process and develop with your mind.

Vision is seeing from God’s perspective, it is not the same as ambition. Vision is God given, ambition is self given and driven, what you desire.It takes the place of prayer, worship and meditation to see from God’s perspective. <Habakuk 2: 1-3>

Vision is seeing what God wants you to see. You’ll get as far as you can see. Genesis 13: 14&15 “ After Lot had gone,the Lord said to Abraham, look as far as you can see in every direction, north and south, east and west. I am giving all this land,as far as you can see to you and your descendants as a permanent possession…”

You won’t see clearly until you begin to see how God sees you. Spiritually, what you see is what you become. You are transformed into what you constantly gaze upon.

Provision always comes after vision<that’s why it is pro-vision>, align yourself with God and be a man of vision. Resources will follow. Don’t discard that God given idea.

Vision is essentially God’s thought and because of that, it produces power, and that power(force) that comes with it, is known as passion. Passion is the fuel, driver. It propels vision. Passionate people are performers, when people don’t do things out of passion, they become mediocre, i.e they perform mediocre work.

Passion begins the process of actualizing vision. Passion sustains vision. Passion produces endurance and perseverance. Your duty is to ensure that is a God given vision, not a self driven ambition.

Passion produces excellence,because when you are committed to something,you would spend time applying yourself.

Passion is important.Take note, any idea that has blessed humanity, God looked for a believer first to give it to, if he does not find a ready believer,  He then looks for anyone who is passionate about it. People of passion stand out.

Where there is no vision,, confusion sets in. You begin to want to do this and that. No restraint. Proverbs 29:18<NIV>
I pray that God gives us the passion to do His will, all that He has placed in our hearts, the vision He has entrusted us with.
Till our next bog post on vision, apply passion to your vision and see God do the supernatural through you.
We are young people loving God everywhere!

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